Welcome to the inaugural Mercy Clinic website!
You can’t begin to imagine how long I’ve waited to state that. This brand new website is just one of many endeavors we have undertaken at Mercy Clinic all in an effort to provide better service to this beloved community. Mercy Clinic began formalizing a Strategic Plan to make improvements to the delivery of care for our patients. The Mercy Clinic Strategic Plan 2017-2020 is now a year old and we have made progress on several of the objectives and there is more to come. Please allow me to share just a few of the efforts currently underway:
- A new Mercy Clinic promotional card is now available.
- The PHC card is now renewable annually.
- Mercy Matters TV show is on Public Access Channel & is on-going.
- Suggestion boxes are available throughout the clinic for co-worker and patients to submit their ideas.
- Patient surveys available in the waiting room areas.
- Mercy Clinic has expanded Integrated Behavioral Healthcare model to all patients.
- We have begun a Quality Improvement Plan for the entire clinic.
- BOGO program is in place & we have more than 80 new patients!
- New policies are under development and old policies are being review and revised as needed.
- All leaders will be reviewing co-worker goals on an on-going basis not just annually.
- Started working with a consultant (Lee + Associates) in the areas of staff and board development.
- A Mercy Clinic Advisory Board has been established and led by Elizabeth Martinez.
- TV spots are now airing in English & Spanish on local TV stations & on the radio.
- And this brand new website!
You will be hearing much more about each of these initiatives and others still in the works. All this stems from a belief that our foundress Catherine McAuley treasured dearly – we can be good today but we can be better tomorrow.
At Mercy Clinic every co-worker is responsible for the mission of Mercy – As the Sisters of Mercy before us, we bring to life the healing ministry of Jesus through our compassionate care and exceptional service.